We are excited to welcome you to the 7th edition of the European Scientific Meeting – ESM – that will take place in Cannes, France, between 18 – 19 October 2024. Returning to Europe, under the theme “Future of Implantology – the effects of digitalization on workflow concepts, clinical success, efficiences and patients”, the long-awaited MegaGen congress includes an exhibition area and a dynamic mix of lecture, workshop sessions, as well as an exclusive MGG party.
The event schedule has been designed to capture the diversity of subjects that includes restorative dentistry, digital implantology, soft tissue management, surgical treatment, and prosthetic dentistry.
18 October 2024
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Frederic Kaufmann – Hyaluronic Acid in bone and soft tissue augmentation – less complications and better quality
Various successful hard and soft tissue augmentation protocols exist. Nevertheless, to avoid complications and to optimize outcomes, strict and rigorous protocols have to be followed. Prerequisites for maximizing the success rate and to avoid complications are technique selection, biomaterial combination (membrane/bone graft), flap design (incisions, mobilization, tension free wound closure) and defect/graft stabilization. In case of compromised patients, extended defect geometries and more aggressive surgical protocols do not only increase the complication rate, but also the clinical outcome becomes less predictable. To overcome these limits, especially “biofunctionalization” of bone graft materials and barrier membranes by growth factors, blood centrifugates or hyaluronic acid have become more and more popular. These “bioactive” additives have the potential to improve wound healing and more or less positively impact both bone quality and quantity without the need to change the individual grafting protocol or material combination. During this workshop an overview about the current clinical and scientific evidence of biofunctionalization is shown and the relevance and applicability for everyday clinical practice is presented by many clinical cases.
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Mathieu Benichou – Introducing Guided surgery in your daily practice with R2Gate
The objectives of this course is to get to grips the R2Gate software with two implant surgery plannings. After this course you will be able to import Dicom and STL files, know every stage of the planning on R2Gate until the surgical guide, differentiate between DICOM and STL files, navigate through the different stages of digital implant planning, produce a surgical guide in complete autonomy, be aware of the difficulties and errors of guided surgery, learn to understand, master MEGAGEN guided surgery, acquire automatisms in the establishment of the treatment plan, master the relationship between surgery and implant-supported prosthesis, ensure the long-term outcome of the prosthetic project, and finally master the R2GATE software for in-practice use.”
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Laurent Sers – Live: Guided surgery using the complete R2Gate workflow- from the CBCT to the immediate loading
In the practice of Dr Laurent Sers, in Cannes, near Le Martinez, you will have the opportunity to understand and see the complete digital worklow of MegaGen in a live session. You will see the case (full mouth reconstruction), how it has been planned, and how it is implemented live during a surgery in which Dr Laurent Sers will use the R2Guide and the temporary prosthetics designed by a R2Gate Center.
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm SK Jang – The Next evolution of R2GATE: R2playground
“Be a witness the unveiling of R2playground a space designed to inspire, create, and innovate. Let’s shape the future of dentistry together”
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Vincent Ronco – Tunnelization techniques
19 October 2024
9:00 – 9:15 Introduction
9:15 – 10:00 Mega’Mind presentations · Part I
10:00 – 10:35 Franck Afota – Keys to predictable success in bone graft augmentation
Bone management is essential for implant long term success. There are lots of bone graft procedures to correct thin alveolar ridges (GBR, autogenous bone plates, tenting,…). Theses procedures can be performed before or during the implant placement.
We will clarify indications of each surgical technique with several cases and decisional tree based on clinical and CT scan analysis. We will insist on the crucial role of the implant design for stability and mostly for bone preservation
10:35 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:35 Georges Khoury – 3D planning for bone augmentation in severe atrophies
11:35 – 12:15 Christian Makary – Accelerated implant protocols: new geometries lead the way
Over the past three decades, oral implantology has proven to be a reliable and predictable technique for the rehabilitation of edentulous spaces. Attainment of this goal, however, is predicated on the ability of the implant to achieve osseointegration with its bony environment. This process passes through a primary stage characterized by mechanical stabilization of the implant, and a secondary stage of biological anchorage, the actual osseointegration process.
Different parameters such as bone density, implant macro and micro geometry and surgical techniques play a major role in achieving optimal implant primary and secondary stability. Understanding these parameters will allow us to predictably plan our future loading protocol (immediate, early or delayed).
During this presentation, scientific and clinical rationale will be presented in order to give the clinician an evidence-based approach, for early and immediate loading protocol, in everyday clinical situations, by using implants with versatile thread geometry adapted to different bone densities.
12:15 – 12:50 Kwang Bum Park – The clinical impacts of implant design on the full mouth rehabilitation
New effective & predictable implant solutions in severe atrophic anterior ridge (Feat. See the Unseen)
Since the initial adoption of the Branemark implant system nearly 50 years ago, there have been significant performance and technological advances in all aspects of dental implants, leading to osseointegration within a short time period and even immediate same-day prosthetics in many cases.
However, placing and maintaining implants in a severely atrophic ridge in the anterior region remains a challenge when using conventional methods. Thus, a 6-unit bridge is commonly created using the relatively accessible posterior region instead of placing implants in a low and thin atrophic anterior ridge. Even when implant placement is feasible in the anterior region, esthetic considerations often require concurrent surgical procedures, such as GBR or bone augmentation, to recover the bone volume, thereby increasing the financial and psychological pressures on patients and involving longer recovery periods when compared to conventional implant treatments. Moverover, given the elderly profile of most patients seeking implant treatment, the perceived burden on patients is significantly higher, obtaining consent becomes more challenging, and there is an increased clinical concern regarding the maintenance and post-implantation issues.
Therefore, using my 40 years of experience as an implant clinician, this lecture presents new effective solutions to facilitate implant placement in a severely atrophic anterior ridge, leading to an improved dental condition and higher patient satisfaction.
12:50 – 13:15 Jean-David Boschatel – Simplification of Guided Bone Regeneration in a presence of low to moderate bony defects
Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) is a complicated process that involves the formation of new bone to substitute those that have been damaged or lost, due to various factors (diseases, trauma etc…). In recent years, many advances have been made in the field of GBR, offering new perspectives for bone regeneration. Among these progresses, the use of tissue regeneration membranes is a promising approach.
The iGen membrane, developed and manufactured by MegaGen, is an innovative biomaterial that it’s been simplified protocols of bone regeneration. This membrane is made in Titanium and has the main advantage to be screw directly to the dental implant, without any additional screw or pins, thus making easier GBR procedures.
13:15 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 14:35 Laurent Sers – From virtual to clinical: the R2gate digital workflow in immediate functional implant loading
The concept of immediate functional loading is increasingly documented and fully validated in implant treatment plans, as it offers a number of advantages, in particular enabling patients’ aesthetic and functional needs to be restored as quickly as possible. The use of information technology in implantology represents a major technological advance. Digital wax-up, implant planning, guided surgery and Cad Cam prosthetics are just some of the fields in which this technology can be applied. Working step by step throughout the implant treatment, the R2gate digital workflow makes it possible to offer immediate functional implant-prosthetic loading solutions, while optimising results in terms of predictability, precision, adaptation, safety and stability.
This presentation describes and defines each of the elements of this digital workflow, and demonstrates the benefits of anticipating implant treatment by using Implantology 3.0 during the execution of all the elements in the implant chain, from the prosthetic project and the surgical phase through to prosthetic completion, for a better long-term result.
14:35 – 15:10 Peter Gehrke – Digital Expertise in Implant Prosthodontics Based on Analog Knowledge
Dental implants play a crucial role in providing support, stability and retention for superstructures to achieve optimal esthetic and functional outcomes in dental rehabilitation. With the rapid advancement of implant technology, clinicians are challenged to stay abreast of the latest developments. Despite the established longevity of implants, there continues to be a strong interest in improving implant restorative treatment and outcomes. Recent innovations include novel implant macro designs tailored for optimal stability in various bone qualities and the integration of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) for the fabrication of implant abutments and frameworks in various materials. Intraoral scanning and optical digitization of master casts further expand prosthetic options, facilitating the creation of customized abutments and restorations with enhanced predictability in alignment to the desired morphology. This presentation will emphasize the coordination between the restorative team and the laboratory, while critically evaluating the rationale for adopting digital workflows in implant dentistry. Emphasizing the intrinsic relationship between functional implant design and esthetic treatment approaches, the presentation delves into emerging techniques and their material nuances, offering insights into optimizing treatment outcomes.
15:10 – 16:00 Sam Omar – Exploring R2Gate: advanced digital planning and guided surgery in modern dentistry
As digital tools continue to advance, their integration into routine dental practice promises not only to improve the quality of care but also to revolutionize the patient experience by offering faster, safer, and more effective treatments. guided implant Surgery has led to the reduction of potential complications, and the enhancement of overall treatment predictability.
R2GATE’s Technology allows for precise surgical planning and the fabrication of surgical guides, ensuring optimal implant placement. The presentation will discuss key features of R2GATE software, including its ability to predict prosthetic outcomes, improve accuracy and its role in minimizing surgical time and improving patient comfort.
This presentation delves into the innovative applications of R2GATE software in digital planning and guided dental surgery, illustrating how these advanced tools facilitate more predictable and successful treatments. Attendees will leave with a thorough understanding of how R2GATE software stands at the forefront of digital dental technology, offering tangible benefits to both practitioners and patients through innovative digital planning and guided surgical solutions.
16:00 – 16:20 Coffee Break
16:20 – 17:10 Mega’Mind presentations · Part II
17:10 – 17:45 Tomas Linkevicius – ZBLC in the BOX: the grand shift from the concept to the protocol
Immediate implant placement was initially described by Schulte and Heimke, as an alternative to Branemark protocol back in 1978. Four decades passed by, thousands of case reports have been collected, prospective and retrospective studies delivered and backed upped with meta-analysis. Still, a majority of dentists consider the Immediate protocol as a risky concept, with unpredictable outcomes and a higher failure rate, compared to conventional delayed implant placement.
In general immediate implant placement is considered as an option only in the aesthetic zone. However following publications analysing patient satisfaction, the conclusions show that the vast majority of negative patient feedback about dental implants is related with constant food impaction, following lost inter-proximal papilla and nature-inspired gingival contours. So what is missing in common dental practice to stop managing growing patient needs for a more satisfactory outcome of their treatment? No predictable protocols can be performed without the correct tools. So we present “ZBLC IN THE BOX”?
17:45 – 18:00 Closing words scientific programme