AnyOne® for any implantologist and any patient
For dentists: convenient implant placement, strong initial stability, excellent soft & hard tissue response, shorter overall treatment time. For patients: minimally invasive surgery with less pain, shorter healing time, better aesthetic results.

Variety of fixtures for predictable initial stability
Wide selection of diameters (Ø3.5 to Ø6.0) & lengths (7mm to 15mm) for all bone conditions plus, 2 thread depths (same core diameter). Regular thread for easy placement in hard bone (D1 D2) ∅3.5, ∅4.0, ∅4.5, ∅5.0. Deep thread for higher initial stability in soft bone (D3 D4) ∅4.5, ∅5.0

Innovative thread design
Special thread design & super self-tapping create better initial stability in any compromised bone situation. This distinctive design enables bone condensing, gentle ridge expansion, maximized compressive force resistance & minimized shear force production.

XPEED Surface
Ca(2+) on S.L.A. surface topography.
Stronger. Faster. Safer.